Short Story

“Even Ugly People Think They Are Cute: The 10 Secrets To Building High Self Esteem” If you want the better things in life, you have to believe in yourself and know that you can achieve anything!

Learning how to use your internal talents is a “BIG Secret”. With the guidance of this book, you will start to realize the superpowers you have to change your life.

“Even Ugly People Think They Are Cute”

by Marianne Eggleston

  • $15,000.00

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Minimum amount is $50 Maximum amount is $15000 Put a valid number
Cleveland, Ohio, United States (US)

Marianne Eggleston

4 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

“Even Ugly People Think They Are Cute: The 10 Secrets To Building High Self Esteem.” Learn how to tap into your inner talents. One great personal development guru calls it “The Strangest Secret”. Why? Because it is the “BIGGEST SECRET” that very few people know how to use. With the guidance of this book, you will start to realize the superpowers you have to change your life.

I was on my way down the wrong path at a very young age when someone showed me “THE SECRET” and it changed my life forever. “Even Ugly People Think They Are Cute: The 10 Secrets To Building High Self Esteem” will also help you reach for higher goals and succeed in your life too. I’m living proof!

With over 25 years in the entertainment business, I have worked with some of the biggest stars in music, film, and education and will share my success story with you.

When you donate to helping me get this book printed and published, you will be one of the first to receive an Autographed 1st Edition and a Special Invitation to a Photo Shoot with me in Orlando, Florida (you must pay for your own airfare and accommodations). As a prior music business executive and founder of the Orlando Urban Film Festival there will be many VIP invites to Private Parties with Big Named Stars!

This new book will help you learn how to use your mind, creative vision, and the law of attraction to reach your highest potential!


$50.00 - $99.00

Invitation to the Zoom Winners Conference in Orlando, Florida, and a meet and greet retreat at an exclusive hotel discount (airfare and hotel not included). You will get an opportunity to create your Mind Map for Super Success!

January, 2021

Estimated Delivery
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$100.00 or more

Invitation to the Winners Conference in Orlando, Florida, and a meet and greet retreat at an exclusive hotel discount (airfare and hotel not included). You will get an opportunity to create your Mind Map for Super Success!

March, 2021

Estimated Delivery
0 backers
100 rewards left