Short Story


2021 Schedule of Events – Join in on OUFF’s Celebration!

You become an OUFF Certified 2021 Audience Judge and Film Critic! You will assist OUFF in selecting the next 2021 Grand Jury Winners and new film and movie producers! So, stretch their imaginations . . . OUFF is “Where Imaginations Runs Wild”

We want you to join our fun and support our efforts to select the next big director in “Feature Film”, “Short Film”, “Screenplay” and “Music Sound Track”.

Supporters will get to Join OUFF in Orlando, Florida, and see all of the winners on the “BIG SCREEN”. Due to COVID19, we may have the festival online or at a Drive-In Theatre.

That’s why we need your support to “Keep OUFF Alive”. Supporters can also submit their projects to be reviewed by the OUFF Judging Team for possible screening at the 2021 OUFF in Orlando, Florida.

The Orlando Urban Film Festival (OUFF), is global! It’s Orlando, Florida’s first and only African American film festival. We are filmmakers and experienced music business executives with over 20 years of experience and education. We have helped build the careers of many of today’s superstar entertainers and filmmakers. OUFF is energized by the diversity and inclusion of global Content Creators and Visionaries who create many different types of cultural films, movies, documentaries, videos, shorts, clips, music, and photography.

The Mission of the Orlando Urban Film Festival’s (OUFF) a “Urban Movie, Music Showcase” is to help expose Orlando, Florida, and other underserved African American film and music producers as well as actors, models, and screenwriters. We want to share the African American Experience with the world.

OUFF honors and awards the best talent and does not exclude entry to any creative works from other cultures globally. Creator’s works are displayed on the “BIG SCREEN” in major movie theaters.



by Marianne Eggleston

  • $30,000.00

    Funding Goal
  • $105.00

    Funds Raised
  • Campaign Never Ends

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Minimum amount is $5 Maximum amount is $100000 Put a valid number
New York, USA, United States (US)

Marianne Eggleston

4 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio

Campaign Story


2021 Schedule of Events – Join in on OUFF’s Celebration!

You become an OUFF Certified 2021 Audience Judge and Film Critic! You will assist OUFF in selecting the next 2021 Grand Jury Winners and new film and movie producers! So, stretch their imaginations . . . OUFF is “Where Imaginations Runs Wild”

We want you to join our fun and support our efforts to select the next big director in “Feature Film”, “Short Film”, “Screenplay” and “Music Sound Track”.

Supporters will get to Join OUFF in Orlando, Florida, and see all of the winners on the “BIG SCREEN”. Due to COVID19, we may have the festival online or at a Drive-In Theatre.

That’s why we need your support to “Keep OUFF Alive”. Supporters can also submit their projects to be reviewed by the OUFF Judging Team for possible screening at the 2021 OUFF in Orlando, Florida.

The Orlando Urban Film Festival (OUFF), is global! OUFF is energized by the diversity and inclusion of global Content Creators and Visionaries who create many different types of cultural films, movies, documentaries,
videos, shorts, clips, music, and photography.

OUFF honors and awards the best talent and does not exclude entry to any creative works from other cultures globally. Creator’s works are displayed on the “BIG SCREEN” in major movie theaters.

The OUFF Young Director’s Program teaches young people how to communicate and express their feelings through the use of images, audio, media, and visual arts. They can also submit their movie and music projects to be a part of the program.



Name Donate Amount Date
Anonymous $100.00 December 04, 2020
Anonymous $5.00 November 05, 2020